How to report an error

How to report an error ON YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET You can either complete the following form or, when in playing mode, click on “i” on your smartphone. Choose between playback and subtitle issues and select the option that best describes your situation. If you...

Pictures do not load

Pictures do not load This issue generally means there is a temporary connection problem. First, we recommend you restart your router or connect to a network cable instead of the wifi in order to achieve a more stable connection.  Second, we suggest you delete the APP...

Slow running app

Slow running app First, we recommend you restart your router or connect to a network cable instead of the wifi in order to achieve a more stable connection.   If the problem persists, we recommend you to download a VPN, such as Inf VPN or Flash VPN. After...

Fake app

Fake app If you suspect you might have installed an unofficial My Family Cinema app, we highly recommend you delete it and follow the steps explained under How to install the app. Bear in mind that the official My Family Cinema app is only available for download on...

Green screen

Green screen To get rid of this issue, we suggest you delete the APP data as follows:   Close the APP and go to the device settings. Click on Apps > My Family Cinema > Clear data. Finally, reboot both your device and wifi. If you have a TV box, unplug it...