Inicio 9 How to create and manage cloud packages

How to create and manage cloud packages

How to log in

1. Go to and log in with your My Family Cinema account. If you don’t have an account, click on “Create one now”.

2. Once you log in, you’ll be able to manage all your clouds. On the left side menu, you’ll find three sections:

My clouds: Clouds you added yourself through the MFC app and this tool
Shared by me: Clouds you have granted access to

Shared with me: Clouds you were granted access to

How to create a new cloud

  1. Click on “Add new” to create a new cloud.
  • Name: Write a name for your cloud.
  • Description (optional): Write a description of your cloud.
  • Author: Your account name will be filled in automatically.


  1. Then, proceed to write your email address or cloud account and password. You can add multiple accounts at the same time.
  • Add: Add another account.
  • Remove: Remove account.
  • Site: Choose the cloud storage you want to add.
  • Username: Enter your cloud account.
  • Password: Enter your cloud account password.
  • Alias: Set an alias.

How to update a cloud

  1. You can check all your cloud information in “My clouds”. To manage a specific cloud, click on “Edit”.

How to grant access to a cloud

1. You can check all your cloud information in “My clouds”. To grant access to a specific cloud, click on “Share”.

2. There are two ways to grant access to a cloud:


2.1 Add manually → Grant access to a specific account
  • Valid period: Validity period for the videos on your cloud. All videos on this cloud will disappear after the expiration date.
  • Account: Friend or family account you want to grant access to. You can add multiple friends or families separated by a comma.


Click on “Share” to send the cloud to your friends and families. Check the records on “Shared by me”. On your friends and families app, your cloud will be displayed on “Shared with me”.


2.2 Share link → Grant general access to a cloud with a link
The link will be generated automatically. Click on “Copy link” to send it to your friends or families.
Note: Your friends or families will have access to your cloud without any limitation with the link.

How to remove access to a cloud

Go to “Shared by me” and click on “Cancel share” to remove the access to your cloud. Your friends and families won’t have access to your cloud anymore.

How to import an old cloud with a key

If you have a cloud key, you can import the cloud directly to your MFC account:
1. Click on “Import with key” on the homepage.