How to add your cloud

To enjoy your content, you first need to add your personal cloud to the platform directly from the app.  It’s super easy!


  1. Open the app and go to the cloud icon.
  2. Click on “+ Add cloud”.
  3. Select the option “Add from internet”.
  4. If you don’t have a cloud link, click on the orange links to visit our forum and read other user experiences. If you do have a cloud link, enter it on the corresponding field.


  1. Open the app and go to “My cloud”.
  2. Click on “+ Add cloud” to import your content.
  3. Select the option “Add from internet”.
  4. If you don’t have a cloud link, click on the orange links to visit our forum and read other user experiences. If you do have a cloud link, enter it on the corresponding field.


For more corporate uses of the cloud, check our guide How to create and manage cloud packages.


Still have doubts? Here is a step-by-step video tutorial!