Chocolate: a healing drama

With a storyline that perfectly portrays the roller coaster life is, Chocolate (2019) is here to put a bandage on our sore hearts and remind us that we matter and we need to take care of ourselves too.

Chocolate: a healing drama

These last few years have affected our mental, emotional and physical health. In fact, they continue to cause an emotional turmoil that we keep trying to escape from. Wouldn’t it be better, tough, to fearlessly comprehend, respect and let our feelings be? Well, introspection is no easy task, especially when we keep things deep down in our heart. But wait, there is a little elixir that can help: k-dramas. Surprisingly, or not, stories have a magical power to comfort us and teach us that it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to cry, pain is part of life and we shouldn’t be afraid of it. Everybody goes through some hard times.

So, with a storyline that perfectly portrays the roller coaster life is, Chocolate (2019) is here to put a bandage on our sore hearts and remind us that we matter and we need to take care of ourselves too.

The drama is about Moon Cha-yeong, a talented chef, and Lee Kang, a well-known neurosurgeon. After many ups and downs, they encounter each other again and start to work together in a palliative care unit. Her job is to make sure patients always have a heart-warming meal, like their favourite food that fills them with good memories. His job is to reassure that their passing is graceful and assisted. While caring and listening to the patients’ stories, Moon Cha-yeong and Lee Kang begin to open their own hearts little by little, healing their wounds and allowing themselves to live a beautiful romance.

Know more about k-drama world here

Death is present throughout the drama and, even if it’s an inevitable and sad thing, it is presented as a new chapter of life, not its ending. In the series, we see that human bonding goes further than physical barriers, since the shared moments between the patients, their loved ones, and the medical staff transcend and become memories. Seeing this delicate time being portrayed like that reminds us of the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition where they celebrate it with joy, good memories, food and love.

Know more about this Mexican tradition here

You will be craving for chocolate, the most fulfilling candy, but also you will be longing for Moon Cha-young’s mouth-watering cooking. These emotions will definitely make you enjoy your meals even more with your favorite person, for the best memories always involve food. Even though it has a slow pace, the drama shows the development of the characters, how they deal with their traumas and do their best to have a good life, which captures our attention. We still get inspiring messages, a sweet and motivational romance, comic scenes, breathtaking scenarios and a soundtrack that will go directly to our favourite playlist (That’s why we already made one!).

In short, it’s a mixture of food and medicine that teaches us, in depth and smoothness, the true value of life.

Well, MyFamilier, MFC recommends you to grab a tissue box and some chocolates, and to take a moment to comfort your heart with this beautiful story. ❤️‍



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