by IRRdev2 | Dec 17, 2020 | Uncategorized |
5 ways to watch Star Wars movies MFC TOP 5 After four decades of series and movies, the saga of the Skywalkers is about to come to an end. Star Wars: Episode IX – The rise of Skywalker, to be released on December 20, 2019, will be the last entry of the story of...
by IRRdev2 | May 5, 2020 | Uncategorized |
The Best Star Wars Movies MFC TOP 5 Every year, fans of the saga around the world celebrate May 4th as Star Wars Day, because the date closely resembles the famous phrase of the movies “May the Force be with you”. Thus, “May the Force be with you” is...
by IRRdev2 | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized |
The best series to watch at home MFC TOP 5 Staying at home can be a complicated and even boring task for some, while for others it is a special opportunity to immerse themselves in the most interesting adventures that television can offer. With a long season at home...
by IRRdev2 | Mar 6, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Películas para conmemorar el Día de la Mujer MFC TOP 5 Since 1972, International Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide to commemorate the struggle of women to achieve equality before the law, a fairer participation in society and the necessary respect for their...
by IRRdev2 | Feb 11, 2020 | Uncategorized |
The best Adam Driver movies MFC TOP 5 After three years of service in the United States Marine Corps and a life-changing injury, Adam Driver decided to pursue a career in the film industry and it has not stopped growing since. Famous due to his role as Adam Sackler in...