Plans perfect for you
The best prices on the market just one click away
KSh 627.43
Billed KSh 627.43 monthly
New Here? This is the plan for you! Enjoy for one month, on one single profile.
HD and Full HD
Updated information
Unlimited views
Automatic renewal for credit card payments
Monthly discount
1 extra Kids profile
Simultaneous screens
KSh 523.54
Billed KSh 6.282,48 a year
Have 365 days of fun on one single profile and save an unbelievable amount of money!
HD and Full HD
Updated information
Unlimited views
Automatic renewal for credit card payments
Up to KSh 1.246,68 yearly savings
1 extra Kids profile
Simultaneous screens
KSh 838.14
Billed KSh 10.057,68 a year
Get it with your +1 and enjoy two profiles simultaneously.
HD and Full HD
Updated information
Unlimited views
Automatic renewal for credit card payments
Up to KSh 2.005,32 yearly savings
1 extra Kids profile
Up to 2 simultaneous screens
KSh 1,506.46
Billed KSh 18.077,52 a year
Share with friends and enjoy four independent profiles.
HD and Full HD
Updated information
Unlimited views
Automatic renewal for credit card payments
Up to KSh 3.009,78 yearly savings
1 extra Kids profile
Up to 4 simultaneous screens
Endless entertainment with no ads nor advertising. Switch plans or cancel anytime.
Prices may vary according to the current Exchange Rate
Payment methods
Payment slip
My country is not on the list, how do I purchase My Family Cinema?
If your country doesn’t appear on the list, simply select the “USD” option and click on “Buy now”. You will be redirected to an external payment page where you will be able to choose your local currency and preferred payment method before finishing the purchase.
I didn't receive a My Family Cinema recharge code
MFC recharge codes are provided by resellers only. We do not send recharge codes for purchases carried out on our website or app. In those cases, plans are automatically activated once the payment has been processed. If you have a problem, contact the distributor or reseller you purchased the recharge code from.
How do I activate the automatic renewal in My Family Cinema?
The auto-renewal is automatically activated after purchasing any of our plans with credit card and some debit cards. This way, the plan will be credited at the end of each valid period without the need to do it manually.
How do I renew my plan in My Family Cinema?
If you purchased a My Family Cinema plan with credit card and some debit cards, it will be automatically renewed at the end of each valid period without the need to do it manually. However, if you used a different payment method or if you canceled your auto-renewal subscription, you will be able to renew the service by following the same steps for any common purchase. If you wish to upgrade your plan, you can do so at any given time from our website or directly from the app.