Three episodes of Loki season 2 are already available on streaming and fans all over the world, after a long wait, are once again thrilling over the series that could put the Marvel Cinematic Universe right back on track. This season gathers once more those characters that stole our hearts and also adds many new topics that guarantee to keep us all on our toes. That is why My Family Cinema brings you 4 reasons why you should totally give Loki season 2 an opportunity.

Same characters, different stories
In Loki season 2, we are introduced to the same characters we fell for so dearly during the first installment. On one hand, we get to see Loki and his characteristic sarcastic personality from the very beginning. He is the anti-hero that only looks after himself, but that starts to show his true colors as the story unfolds.
On the other hand, during this second season, we get to see the huge evolution of the character. Since episode 1 it becomes clear that Loki does care about others by looking for his partner Mobius and, mostly, his big ally (and romantic interest?) Sylvie. It is most likely we will see plenty of this more humane Loki willing to sacrifice his life to save his friends.

As for Mobius, he continues to be the comic relief of the series and Loki’s faithful partner in his adventures through time. However, this time he will have to fight against the TVA (Time Variance Authority) and his own thoughts, since he’s now learnt that it was the very TVA that erased the memories from his mind and that it is not the transparent and trustworthy organization he thought.
For her part, Sylvie keeps on being faithful to her guts and impulsivity, as well as her fighting spirit, though, in this opportunity, she will be the one hiding from the TVA soldiers that want to apprehend her. Roles will be inverted in a most interesting turn of events.

A well-known villain
In spite of the controversies surrounding Jonathan Majors over the past year, Marvel chooses to include Kang the Conqueror and his different variants for this second season. We know that war is coming between this villian and our beloved characters that promises to be filled with action and epic fight scenes. Plus, we will see new facets of the character, understand more about his motivations, and, hopefully, learn about his past as well as about different variants from different universes and timelines.

Many TVA secrets to uncover
As previously mentioned, the TVA ended up being a non-so-transparent organization as it claimed to be. On the contrary, it keeps plenty of dark secrest most certainly will be revealed during the second season. The fact that they erased the memory of all employees is just the tip of the iceberg, and Loki, together with his team, shall unearth them one by one.
Mobius, for his part, will have to decide whether to continue trusting the TVA or reveal against it. So, apart from the war against Kang, the group of friends will need to escape this unreliable and mysterious time organization.

Is Loki in search of love?
In the last episode of season 1, Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) kiss moments before she pushes him into the void. In this new season, it will be time for Loki to deal with his feelings, and maybe we will get to see if he can love someone else apart from himself.
Both actors show a great chemistry on screen, which helps create informal and funny situations. Let’s hope this season comes with more moments like this starring these two and their undeniable connection.

The new episodes of the second season of Loki are released every Thursday, and we are very excited to see how the story of one of Marvel’s best series will conclude.
Tell us in the comments if you liked the first season of Loki and your expectations for the second installment!

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