by Marco | Jun 3, 2024 | MFC Recomendaciones, MFC Recommendations, new |
The animated series inspired by the Jurassic Park universe, titled Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, is already trending on Netflix and your favorite friendly platform. This highly anticipated spin-off of the franchise, which began with the original 1993 film and has...
by Marco | May 31, 2024 | MFC Estrenos, MFC Noticias, MFC Recommendations, MFC Releases, new, Nueva |
MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIES OF JUNE 1- HIT MAN Genre: Comedy, romantic, action. Duration: 120 minutes Gary Johnson (Glen Powell) is a psychology professor and works for the police, passing himself off as a professional killer to catch those looking to hire one. However,...
by Marco | May 27, 2024 | MFC Recomendaciones, MFC Recommendations, new, Nueva |
1- THE PRESIDENT Genre: Documentary Series. Year: 2020 The story reveals the FIFA corruption case that took place between 2010 and 2015, from the perspective of Sergio Jadue, president of a small club in Chile. Overnight, Jadue became a key player in a bribery...
by Marco | May 24, 2024 | MFC News, MFC Noticias, new, Nueva |
According to a recent press release disseminated by Deadline, renowned actress Scarlett Johansson rejected in September 2023 a proposal from the company to lend her voice to this system. However, OpenAI continued to use a recording that mimicked her tone. Johansson...
by Marco | May 22, 2024 | MFC Estrenos, MFC News, MFC Recomendaciones, MFC Recommendations, MFC Releases, new, Nueva, Recomendaciones |
The character “Garfield” was created by Jim Davis in 1978 and, over time, has become one of the most popular comic stories in the world. The Garfield story, in all its formats, has always been characterized by the adventures and misfortunes that the cat...