Inicio 9 MFC Meta API

MFC meta API


MFC meta API is an open API that allows you to use the categories created by MFC editors on your platform. You can use meta API for any non-commercial purposes, such as your blog or your app.

How to use the meta API

Access the link by HTTPS protocol:
Request method: GET

Data that can be requested:


Character Description Data type Necessary Note
playlistId ID of the playlist you want to use
*Requieres a link
Long Yes
language Language of metadata. Default language is English, and the API also supports Spanish and Portuguese. String No EN – English
ES – Spanish
PT – Portuguese
pageId Number of the page you want to request. If you want better performance, you could request the data by pagination. Int No
pageSize Amount of items on each page. Default option is 10 items. Int No


Data that MFC meta API returns:


Character Type Necessary Description
retCode number Yes Return code
errCode number Yes Error code
message string Yes Result of your request
totalCount number Yes Total number of items
pageId number Yes Page number
pageSize number Yes Number of items on each page
count number Yes Number of items on current request
result object [] Yes Array of results
metaId number Yes Video ID or playlist ID, such as 1234567890
title string Yes Title of video or playlist
poster string Yes Poster of video or playlist
backdrop string Yes Backdrop of video or playlist
rating string Yes Video rating
genres object [] Yes Video genre, such as Animation, Drama…
genreId number Yes Genre ID
name string Yes Genre name, such as Animation, Drama…
playlistId number Yes Playlist ID
runtime number Yes Video runtime, such as 100 mins
metaType string Yes Meta type of item, such as MOVIE, SERIES
pageType string Yes Page type of item to open the app and enter a specific page
success boolean Yes States if action is successful or not. 0 means success

Error code


retCode errCode Message Description
0 0 null All requests are normal
3 250

EN – Error: Playlist does not exist

ES – Error: La playlist no existe

PT – Erro: A playlist não existe

Requested playlist ID is not the one MFC released
3 251

EN – Error: Playlist is empty

ES – Error: La playlist está vacía

PT – Erro: A playlist está vazia

ID is empty while you request the data
3 253

EN – Current playlist is not supported

ES – La playlist actual no es compatible

PT – A playlist atual não é compatível

Playlist type is not supported
4 40001

EN – Error: Request limit exceed

ES – Error: Límite excedido

PT – Erro: Limite excedido

Request limit exceeded, limitation is 10 times/60s



“result”: [


“metaId”: 30,

“title”: “Trending”,

“poster”: “”,

“backdrop”: “”,

“rating”: 0.0,

“genres”: [],

“runtime”: 0,

“metaType”: “PLAYLIST”,

“displayType”: null,

“pageType”: 3



“metaId”: 104870912,

“title”: “Downton Abbey: A New Era”,

“poster”: ““,

“backdrop”: “ ABBEY THE MOVIE Poster.jpg“,

“rating”: 7.6,

“genres”: [


“genreId”: 7,

“name”: “Drama”,

“playlistId”: 565



“genreId”: 15,

“name”: “Romance”,

“playlistId”: 572



“runtime”: 124,

“metaType”: “MOVIE”,

“displayType”: null,

“pageType”: 1



“metaId”: 104871003,

“title”: “Physical”,

“poster”: ““,

“backdrop”: ““,

“rating”: 7.3,

“genres”: [


“genreId”: 4,

“name”: “Comedy”,

“playlistId”: 703



“genreId”: 7,

“name”: “Drama”,

“playlistId”: 706



“runtime”: 30,

“metaType”: “SERIES”,

“displayType”: null,

“pageType”: 1



“metaId”: 3000019,

“title”: “Popular EpicFilms”,

“poster”: “”,

“backdrop”: “”,

“rating”: 0.0,

“genres”: [],

“runtime”: 0,

“metaType”: “PLAYLIST”,

“displayType”: “TYPE_LIST_TOPIC”,

“pageType”: 2



“retCode”: 0,

“errCode”: 0,

“message”: “ok”,

“totalCount”: 12,

“pageId”: 1,

“pageSize”: 12,

“count”: 12


How to start MFC automatically and open a specific page

Create a URL as follows and package it as “Intent” to support your program to run the MFC APP automatically. Then, enter the specific page. For example:

String url = “mfccontent://vod.detail?pageId=x&id=xx”;
Intent intent = new Intent(“android.intent.action.VIEW”, Uri.parse(url));

Characters required for URL:
a. *pageId = 1,2,3 *it is not the pageId API returned, it is equal to the value of “pageType” API returned
b. *id = refers to the “metaId” API returned
c. Fondo = refers to the URL of the image API returned


Open meta Playlist


Open id Playlist name Description EN
1000001 Latest series The newest series from the past week
1000002 Latest movies The newest movies from the past week
1000003 Narcoseries The best Hispanic series about drug trafficking
1000004 The ocean Movies and series for kids about the sea
1000005 Must-see movies Popular and newly released movies
1000006 Best movies from last month Users’ favorites from the past month